* apss FAMILY *

[naMe] == Ah Pek Secret Society
[boRn] == 2004
[aGe] == 3 yrs old

* BaBes Of APSS *

aH PeK
aH NeT
aH PuaY
aH KiiM
aH YuN
aH Gu
aH YuaN
aH Ni
aH LaW
aH SenG
aH Qi
aH Min

* BaBes 1st CrY *

ah KiiM >> 23.01.88
ah PuaY >> 23.04.88
ah Ni >> 04.06.88
ah MiiN >> 18.06.88
ah SenG >> 22.06.88
ah YuaN >> 30.07.87
ah PekK >> 22.08.88
ah Gu >> 11.11.88
ah NeT >> 21.11.87
ah YuN >> 23.11.88

* LeT iT OuT *

* archives *

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
May 2007

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* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

do not remove the credits!
remove it and u'll ded

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
* Monday, May 28, 2007 *
so sorry..
tis shld be posted veri long ago.. hee..
but the having prob with tis postin site and busy away.. lolx..
hope it's not too late to share wif uu sweeties how we celebrates puay's 19th bday!! =)

went to amk hub's NEW YORK NEW YORK to eat for dinner.. ^.^
yummy~ keke..
had a great chattin wif everi gals dere..had been veri veri long time tat we gather and fool tgt le..missed the past where we spend almost everyday tgt playing ard..ahahaha..
in the slide above uu ppl can see wat we got puay, wat we ate and how we play ard..(actualli dere's some secret shot tat i din post up) haha..

pinning for the nxt meetin all sweetie babe!!
*+*+*= take care 'n' stay happy =*+*+*

dere's always a way tat we can get tgt if we put in an effort.. =)

stars are guiding thru our ways
6:38 PM