* apss FAMILY *

[naMe] == Ah Pek Secret Society
[boRn] == 2004
[aGe] == 3 yrs old

* BaBes Of APSS *

aH PeK
aH NeT
aH PuaY
aH KiiM
aH YuN
aH Gu
aH YuaN
aH Ni
aH LaW
aH SenG
aH Qi
aH Min

* BaBes 1st CrY *

ah KiiM >> 23.01.88
ah PuaY >> 23.04.88
ah Ni >> 04.06.88
ah MiiN >> 18.06.88
ah SenG >> 22.06.88
ah YuaN >> 30.07.87
ah PekK >> 22.08.88
ah Gu >> 11.11.88
ah NeT >> 21.11.87
ah YuN >> 23.11.88

* LeT iT OuT *

* archives *

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
May 2007

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* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

do not remove the credits!
remove it and u'll ded

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
* Monday, December 11, 2006 *
402 class gathering (09.12.06)

suppose to be a class gathering but in the end onli 8 person went..
People who went include huikhim, ah pek, net, shiyun, yangu, xingling, dave and reuben..whee~

meet 2pm at cine..
haiz..still the same old prob: got ppl are late!!..(u all shld noe who le ba) haha..

yeah!! having our lunch at pasta mania..
everyone was so hungry~ wahaha!
were having some individual grp tok among the gals (the usualli 4 of them) and the guys..haha!
and huikhim was the one tokkin to both side.. -.-''
anyway, we did hav fun dere..hee~

hmm.. aft eatin..
net, yangu, shiyun went to taka to return books..
huikhim and reuben went to walk walk at the shop dere..
while pek, dave, xingling went up to play pool first..
abt an hr lata, everybody got back to kpool to watch some of them play pool..
but shiyun went home first.. buai buai!!
haha~ we had a photo taking session dere..
all by tat veri zi lian de huikhim.. wahaha!

(sound) di da di da..
tiime flies..
ard 6 pm like tat off we go..
home sweet home.. =P
reuben went to CCK to study for nxt week CT..(so hardworkin! *thumb up*)
dave, huikhim, xingling went home..
pek, yangu, shi yun went j8 to get some drink! (went dere jus to get a drink! dotz~)

-end here-

comment: nice try of organize it but alot more to improve ya!! LOLz..

Photoz takkin session >>

stars are guiding thru our ways
1:07 AM