* apss FAMILY *

[naMe] == Ah Pek Secret Society
[boRn] == 2004
[aGe] == 3 yrs old

* BaBes Of APSS *

aH PeK
aH NeT
aH PuaY
aH KiiM
aH YuN
aH Gu
aH YuaN
aH Ni
aH LaW
aH SenG
aH Qi
aH Min

* BaBes 1st CrY *

ah KiiM >> 23.01.88
ah PuaY >> 23.04.88
ah Ni >> 04.06.88
ah MiiN >> 18.06.88
ah SenG >> 22.06.88
ah YuaN >> 30.07.87
ah PekK >> 22.08.88
ah Gu >> 11.11.88
ah NeT >> 21.11.87
ah YuN >> 23.11.88

* LeT iT OuT *

* archives *

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
May 2007

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* credits *
design | LyLe
image | kasy
macromedia dreamweaver mx
adobe photoshop cs2

do not remove the credits!
remove it and u'll ded

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
* Sunday, September 17, 2006 *
few of us went to help ah pek deco ur hse for her sis's 21 st bday..
had fun..

stars are guiding thru our ways
7:00 PM

* Thursday, September 14, 2006 *
went back on the tcher'z day..

spoke to ms ching for a veri long time..
it seems like a veri long time we can chat wif tcher..
full of laughters & jokes..

feel like gng back to the past~~

*taken wif ms sibyl ching (e one wif the cute short hair) ^_^
followed by:
(font) ah net, ah gu, ah kim, ah pek
(back) yock kin, ah law, sean, ah seng, xing ling

stars are guiding thru our ways
2:33 AM

* Monday, September 11, 2006 *

it's the 1st day of our bogger..

hmm..wat's APSS stands for??lolx..
for us to noe, for u to find out..haha..
will updates wif events we held for ur to noe more..

so stay tune!!

stars are guiding thru our ways
3:06 AM